Kellco Painting is a family owned & operated Northern Virginia Painting Company. With over 30 years experience and real focus on customer satisfaction, you can rely on us for your next residential or commercial painting project.

  • Residential Painting

    Residential Painting

    From initial design and project specification to archieving a high end finish.

  • Commercial Painting

    Commercial Painting

    We offer quality tiling and painting solutions for interior and exterior.

  • Exterior Painting

    Exterior Painting

    Brick pavers define beauty, elegance and durability for driveways, patios and walkways.

Here are a few of many projects we have completed for our customers. We provide a professional custom painting service which includes an initial consultation & a FREE estimate.

Let's Turn Your Home or Business Into An Amazing PlaceSCHEDULE CONSULTATION

Family Owned & Operated

Kellco Painting is a family owned and operated painting company based in Fairfax, VA.  At Kellco, we believe that custom residential & commercial painting is not just about making your house or business look good. Our goal is to provide superior customer service, and superior painting services.

As a highly-rated Northern VA painting contractor, Kellco Painting has been serving the Washington D.C. metro area for over 30 years. Kellco strives to create the look our customer’s desire, while also protecting their home or business from damaging environmental elements. Let Kellco turn your home or business into an amazing place!

Schedule A Painting Estimate

We will contact you within one business day.

© Copyright 2024 Kellco Painting Fairfax, VA.